Uradna aplikacija NK Maribor. Za ekskluzivni dostop do klubskih vsebin, večje udobje ob spremljanju tekem v Ljudskem vrtu in različne ugodnosti na stadionu ter v klubski trgovini.
Z novo aplikacijo NK Maribor in Mastercard lahko kot prvi v Evropi naročilo in plačilo želene hrane ter pijače izvedete brez čakanja v vrsti, kar s svojega sedeža na tribuni!
Prenesi aplikacijo in izberi vijol’čne ugodnosti:
* kupi vstopnico in si zagotovi svoj sedež v Ljudskem vrtu
* oglej si zadetke in vse naj trenutke tekem NK Maribor, v domačem in evropskem tekmovanju
* doživetje tekme nekoliko drugače: naroči, plačaj, prevzami. Brez čakanja v vrsti, naročilo s sedeža in prevzem na najbližji stojnici s hrano in pijačo
* dostop do vseh vsebin na spletni strani na nkmaribor.com
Spremljaj NK Maribor na socialnih omrežjih:
Facebook: www.nkmaribor.com
Twitter: www.nkmaribor.com
Instagram: www.nkmaribor.com
Official application of NK Maribor. For exclusive access to club facilities, greater comfort while watching matches in the People's Garden and various benefits at the stadium and in the club shop.
With the new NK Maribor and Mastercard application, you can be the first in Europe to order and pay for the desired food and drinks without waiting in line, right from your seat in the stands!
Download the app and choose purple benefits:
* buy a ticket and secure your seat in the People's Garden
* see results and all moments of NK Maribor matches, in domestic and European competition
* the experience of the match is a bit different: order, pay, take over. No waiting in line, order from the seat and pick up at the nearest food and beverage stand
* access to all content on the website at nkmaribor.com
Follow NK Maribor on social networks:
Facebook: www.nkmaribor.com
Twitter: www.nkmaribor.com
Instagram: www.nkmaribor.com
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